There is no dream to big or to small. In this day in age whats holding you back to achieve those dreams? We only have this one life that we know of, so why do we put so much pressure on ourselves and second guess what we really want. Lets just say fuck it and go do it already!
At the end of your life wouldn't you want to look back and say you lived your life to the complete fullest you could? We always end up listening to the nay sayers who say we can't do that, but why not?
Believe in yourself that anything is possible, screw anyone who says other wise.
Work hard and don't give up till you have achieved your own definition of greatness. It will tough, you will have to face your fears, and you will feel like there is no point. You will second guess what your doing and you will feel alone and want to give up.
You are not alone, your dreams are not stupid and you can and WILL achieve them. All dreams are valid, no dream is too small. You are not to small to achieve them.
Everyone has to start from somewhere and in the end they will have a kick ass story about the journey.
What will your story be?
What are your biggest dream and how are you going to take to leap to make them reality?
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